By Bruce K. Cox
A brief history of the Oliver Iron Mining Company, a subsidiary of Andrew Carnegie's iron empire and later part of United States Steel Corporation. Oliver came to the Gogebic Range in 1897 and operated most of the major mines in and near Ironwood, including the NORRIE, EAST NORRIE, AURORA, PABST, GENEVA, and DAVIS mines, as well as the TILDEN and PURITAN mines in Bessemer.
This book gives some of the background on Elbert Gary, president of U.S. Steel, and the annual awards given to longtime employees: whitemetal watch fobs with Gary's bust on one side and 10 karat gold lapel buttons. Illustrated with photographs of the company's office and hospitals, the Oliver Club building, the first steel headframe built on the Gogebic Range, and underground miners. This book then presents photographs and short biographies of seven men who worked for the company for 50 year or more, followed by more biographies and photos (of all but six) of 80 men who got in 40 or more years. At the back of the book is a brief dictionary of mining terms. This will be the first of a series covering men employed by Oliver.
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Details: vi + 50 pages
Price: $12.50
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