The Saga of Reimund Holzhey
By Bruce K. Cox
A work of creative non-fiction based on the true story of the celebrated highwayman, Reimund Holzhey, a German immigrant and former resident of Fort Howard and Pulcifer, Wisconsin, who robbed a stagecoach on Stagecoach road between the south end of lake Gogebic and Gogebic Station, in the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, on 26 August 1889. This is said to have been the last stagecoach robbery east of the Mississippi river. The story is drawn from contemporary newspaper reports published in various parts of the Midwest, as well as other sources, and is as true to life as possible. Holzhey suffered from mental problems as a result of a skull fracture, and subjected himself to daring and foolhardy exploits as a form of release until he was finally caught. He began his criminal career by robbing stagecoaches, trains and lone travelers in Shawano county, Wisconsin. His exploits were sensationalized and he was portrayed as a greedy and bloodthirsty desperado. The publicity surrounding his capture and trial would be considered highly questionable in nowadays. There was doubt concerning who fired the shots that killed one of the men on the last stagecoach he attempted to rob. His treatment during the first few years of his imprisonment conjure up scenes from Papillon. By the time he was released from prison twenty-three years later, he was considered to be an erudite and well-read man and accomplished writer. Illustrated, includes index.
First published as 8 ½ by 11 inch comb-bound book on 27 May 2006; this new expanded edition is printed by Dog Ear Publishing and is now available in paperback.
Please add $3 for postage and insurance, plus $1 for each additional book ordered. Retail orders of $100 or more are sent postpaid. Agogeebic Press, P. O. Box 131, Wakefield, Michigan 49968
Details: 108 pages, paperback, 5 by 8
ISBN: 978-159858-346-5
Price: $14.95
Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Agogeebic Press.